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What would be the consequences if NUFSA agreed to the Administration’s proposed changes to NOSM U?

If NUFSA was to agree with the administration’s demands to roll back our academic and equity rights, NOSM University would have the worst working and teaching conditions of any Canadian University!

Further, NOSM University would be moving towards an untested and unprecedented university model, that uncouples scholarly research from NOSM University and scholarly teaching from faculty. This model is used by trade schools, but not by University medical schools.

Ensuring those who teach also lead research ensures the knowledge we disseminate in the classroom is relevant and cutting edge.

As NOSM University is continuously expanding with new programs like the one just announced at Algoma University, and with several specialist programs, we insist that we maintain the quality of our founding program, the undergraduate medical education program and set up our new programs for success. The solutions we are proposing, such as replacing retiring faculty to maintain the faculty complement, will support healthy, sustainable growth of our medical university.